Rabu, 09 Mei 2012

Gunungpadang site est situm prehistoric megalithic culturae hereditatem in West Java. Praecise sita in terminus uiculum et Panggulan Gunungpadang, Karyamukti Village, dolor Campaka, Cianjur. Tanta "aedificium" proxime CM m², sita ad altitudinem DCCCLXXXV m supra mare gradu, et situm area est de III ha, faciens maxima cenacula punden complexu in Southeast Asia.

InventionemPrimum tradit de esse situ sunt onustos in van de Oudheidkundige Rapporten Dienst (RADIUS, "Acta dolor Antiquitatum") in MCMXIV. Batavi historicus, N. J. Krom etiam allegati in MCMXLIX. Cum esset "oblitus", in MCMLXXIX tres loci residentibus, Endi, adipiscing, et Abidin, nuntiantes ad Edi, inspectores Campaka culturas dolor, esse quadratum acervum lapides variis moles sunt disposita in locum cum gradus ducens ad montem Gede [I]. Praeterea, cum Caput culturas Sectione in Ministry Educationis Culture Cianjur, R. Adang Suwanda, tenebat reprehendo. Ut sequi-usque studio ANTIQUITATIS, historia, et Marcus Arkenas ipsum Center deduxit in MCMLXXIX in hoc site.Arduo ac difficili loco ad locum montanis. Multiplicitate elongatum, operientes superficie monte finitimi per ordines magna rectangulum cuneos andesite. Locus saeptus valles altissima [I]. Prius fuerat consecratum habitatores loci. [II] Rex Siliwangi populus reputant loco regis Sunda, dum conderet domum in nocte.Munus est aestimari Gunungpadang site est a loco cultus ad qui habitaverunt in de MM annis BC [II] et consequitur Rolan Mauludy Hokky Situngkir suggerit possibile scrupulo de de lapidem megaliths musicorum sunt [III]. Gunungpadang Praeterea, sunt alia site quod est a Reliquia Cianjur megalithic tempus.Bujangga Manik manuscript a 16th century mentionem loco "kabuyutan" (ubi maiores honoratus Sundanica) in CI simulatione adverso flumine, flumen est notum evomat circa hoc loco [IV]. Secundum ad legenda, situm Gunungpadang iusto conventus loco (probabiliter annua) omnes capita Sundanica traditum Kuna. Nunc situm est adhuc ab indigenae religiosae coetus Sunda colere

The site of Mount Padang Moaning
Conditions of eight relics of the Stone Age megalithic sites in the region Cianjur not received serious attention from the government. Whereas the eighth largest supposedly megalithic sites in Southeast Asia, it would be a tourist magnet in Cianjur."We have a lot of tourism potential that has not received treatment because of the limited budget, including the sites of megalithic sites," said Chief (Head) Culture and Arts Anto Susilo when contacted, told Radar Cianjur, yesterday.mountain Gunung Padang padang The two sites MeranaMenurutnya, handling or settlement sites require a big budget, let alone its location spread in some areas Cianjur. "From some of the megalithic sites, which can already be handling new mountain meadow sites. And that's not optimal and is still very minimal, "he said.He explained, from some megalithic sites in Cianjur, best known desert mountain sites. For the most extensive and imposing their area and above the hill to the area is still beautiful. But until now to make arrangement of land ownership is still constrained. For a new core area of ​​land owned by the government alone. While other areas including the buffer zone area around the location of the site is still owned by residents. "Happens to the arrangement, ideal to meet the needs of budget support," he said.

Anto is said, the plan makes website Jabar Pemprop Mount Padang as one of the iconic archaeological sites in West Java is expected to bring major changes to the arrangement of a mountain meadow sites. In fact, it is expected that ruling, the iconic Jabar could soon be implemented. "If the plan is delivered, we are still waiting for its adoption. Rencanya there are three that will be used as an icon of ancient sites including the site of Mount desert. The other two caves Pawon, and batujaya sites, "he added.

In addition to mountain meadow sites, he added, other megalithic sites in Cianjur Ciranjang each megalithic site in the village of Kuta Village Ciranjang. Then the mattress in Bukit Desa Sukamaju Gadog Pacet. Weak Ḑuhūr Sukajembar Village, Sukanagara, and in the village of Gunung Putri Cikanyere, Sukaresmi. That's not the megalithic sites in the village of Sand Manggu Sukajembar, Sukanagara, Sand Village Pogor Cikidang, Mande, and in the village of Bukit Tongtu Sukagalih, Cikalongkulon. "Everything now requires serious attention from the government. Both the district and province, "he concluded. 

        Not far from the megalithic sites of the mountain meadow ad a natural waterfall whose beauty would make us fascinated by the natural beauty that is extraordinary that in the call cikondang waterfall waterfall

Gunung Padang megalithic sites: the Temple of the Sun SUNDAPURA

Gunung Padang megalithic sites: the Temple of the Sun SUNDAPURA
Gunung Padang in Cianjur is a very old site (megaliths), which was built by the ancestors of the Supreme Galuh (* Net), they put the Padang as a mountain and set up a shrine or a "temple" which is generally called "Sundapura" (the shrine of the Sun).The term "Padang" is derived from a few syllables, namely:- Pa = Place- Da = Large / Gede / General / Kingdom- Hyang = grandparent / ancestors / Biyang / Great AncestorSo does the word "Padang" is the Great Place of the Patriarchs, or perhaps it means the Great Place of the Patriarchs.The existence of the "field" in the mountains Padang is inseparable from the existence Parahyang based in West Java, so the mountain is part of Parahyang Padang which means it is;- Pa = Place- Ra = Sun- Hyang = grandparent / ancestors / Biyang / Great AncestorMuch less significance (meaning) is "Where the Sun Ancestors" or "Place of the Ancestors of the Sun" which is characterized by the presence of the great temples of Mount Parang (Pa-Ra-Hyang) in Jati Luhur - Purwakreta. Presumably all forms of temple gates and gate keratuan (palace) archipelago that existed at the time it refers to the basic shape of Mount Parang in Jati Luhur - Crete Purwa this (?) ... (* Need diteliiti more info)
Ancient Musical Cianjur megalithic sites of the largest in AsiaA collection of articles from various sources
On August 15, 2009, I had the opportunity to follow the "Megalithic Site Tour Mount Padang". The site is located in the village of Gunung Padang Karyamukti, District Campaka, Cianjur. That said, according to archaeologists, the site is the largest megalithic sites in Southeast Asia. In the title of this article, I added a question mark at the end of the sentence the title because it still requires further evidence to assure that the site of Mount Padang is the largest megalithic sites in Southeast Asia.Fun, "Megalithic Sites Tour Mount Padang" begins with economics majors Bandung train - Cianjur. Bandung train line - Cianjur is the oldest railway line, which began operation in 1884. Along these lines, there are a lot of potential for the formation of Lake Bandung geowisata Purba. Fortunately, the tour leader and interpreter is a geologist, so, along the journey by train, we get an explanation about a variety of geological phenomena which follow. Actually, not only the participants who followed the tour of this explanation, when Mr Blake-interpreter-showed something outside the window, the other passengers-plus seller, passing by the window, too, looked into each ...
Figure 1 atmosphere of Bandung train economy - which brings tour participants CianjurBandung path - Cianjur is a very lonely path because it only serves one rail route, the Bandung - Cianjur - Bandung, departing from London at 08:10, and again from Cianjur 14.00. Because the quiet track, trains Bandung - Cianjur can stop almost at every railway station in its path.The tour itself off at the station Cipeuyeum. London trip - Cipeuyeum station reached within 1.5 hours. Cipeuyeum station is a station on the outskirts of Cianjur. There we were picked up by the bus that would take us to the site of Mount Padang. The journey from the station to Mount Padang Cipeuyeum be completed in about 1 hour and 45 minutes, but our first stop at stations that have Lampegan railway tunnel which was also old.
Figure 2 Station Cipeuyeum, CianjurLampegan station is currently under construction to be operated again in 2010. Lampegan railway tunnel was built over the past three years, since the year 1879 to 1882. This information is listed above the mouth of the tunnel. Entering the tunnel, it was dark and coolness that we feel. Only about 10 minutes we were in the tunnel because the tunnel was under renovation.
Figure 3 Lampegan Tunnel, old tunnel that was built over three yearsOur journey continued to the site of Mount Padang. Exactly 15 minutes, we arrived at the tea plantation owned by PTPN VIII Panyairan located around the site of Mount Padang. The trip must be stopped in there because the bus that we use, do not allow to go up to the foot of Gunung Padang. Smaller vehicles can directly get to the foot of Gunung Padang.
Figure 4 From the tea plantations Penyairan is climbing to the Padang Mountain site beganFrom here we walk about 1 km, actually this is not a problem as we walk through the tea plantations of the scenery was beautiful, but because it was almost noon, so it feels a bit hot.After climbing through the streets, down, up again, we finally arrived at the foot of Gunung Padang about an hour later. Because it was noon, we decided to eat lunch before continuing the climb to Mount Padang site. Tasty ..., lunch provided by the community is typical Sundanese food, namely liwet rice, salted fish, fried chicken, fried carp Pepes, and do not miss Karedok.
Figure 5 The trip hike to the foot of Gunung PadangAfter a moment of rest and prayer, we began to 'climb' to the site of Mount Padang. To reach the site of Mount Padang, there are two alternative roads. The first alternative is the main road, climbing about 370 steps with a sharp slope, close to 40 degrees. The second alternative is to climb about 500 steps with a more gentle slope. We decided to take the main road a short distance and made of native rock, albeit with a sharper slope.
Figure 6 The entrance site of Mount Padang, on the left side there are stairs to the siteOne by one we climb the stairs. Rungs are composed of stones shaped transverse mounted polygonal columns. With a little out of breath, finally 15 minutes later, we arrived at the site of Mount Padang. Woww ...! K landscape front and back really amazing!
Figure 7 trip to climb about 370 stairs and behind the sceneGunung Padang site consists of five courts (can also be a 7 yard if certain parts are considered as a yard below). Each of these higher courts are approximately 50-cm of the previous court.Some tour participants are exhausted directly into the grass lay down once he was in the first courtyard. The first courtyard is a courtyard with a small gate which is formed by columns of stone that stood face to face. In the first courtyard there are stone-gray stone-shaped columns are neatly arranged to form a rectangular space. Rocks on Mount Padang is a rock type basaltic andesite magma that is the result of freezing on the environment remains of ancient volcanoes in the Early Pleistocene era, around 2-1 million years ago. Due to the influence of natural processes, these rocks form itself into polygonal columns of a square, five, six, eight, whose surface is so fine that many people who think rock is the result of human hands antiquity.
Figure 8 the Court of first site of Mount PadangMegalithic architects who are estimated to live about 6000 years ago, stone columns set into a building staircase steps are very beautiful. Unfortunately, the location of these rocks are now many irregular, lay abandoned. According to Mr. Dadi, officials at the site of Mount desert, before it is considered to have high cultural value, Gunung Padang is a source of timber for wood-seekers. Many large trees that grow here and felled timber seekers. In addition, Mount Padang has also been used as a farm by the local community. Harvesting and transport of trees and farming was the one who changed the position of the rocks from their original position. Fortunately, there are still some rocks neatly arranged in their original position so that cultural values ​​are not just disappear.In the first courtyard, there is a polygon-shaped rock called the rock ensemble. That said, in ancient times, from Gunung Padang direction is often heard the sounds of the gamelan every Tuesday evening and Friday evening. Until now only the occasional sound of the gamelan sounds, defeated by the sounds from other sound sources are more modern, such as TVs, radios and vehicles. One of the officers who escorted us, playing the gamelan rock, there was a Sundanese traditional music from the blows of small stones on the rock ensemble. The Sundanese traditional artists such as singer, puppeteer, is said to frequent prayer here before doing the show.
Figure 9 Stone gamelan is played by our guide, Mr. NanangAt the next court, Mr. Dadi, showed us a stone with an overdraft that resembles the shape of your foot sized tiger.
In the next yard, carrying a stone there. According to Mr. Dadi, if anyone managed to lift the stone carrying, then all his wishes will come true. Curious, I tried to lift the stones. Apparently, saangaat weight! Several times I tried, not even once the stone was lifted by me. Some of the other tour participants also tried to carry the stone, but no single person who works, including Mr. Dadi ....!!
In the court of the fifth, there are places that are considered to have the most powerful aura in Mount Padang. In this place there is a small hole in the ground covered by polygonal stones. According to Mr. Dadi, the hole is large initially, and even human beings can enter into it, but to avoid things that harm the visitors, the hole was partially covered by it. This is where people who believe in the mystical power of Gunung Padang meditate to get success and the success he wanted.
When referring to the history of West Java, Gunung Padang is thought to be one of the principal which was discovered by a prince who ventured to explore the Kingdom of Sunda sacred places in Java and Bali in about the 15th century. That said, the goal is to improve the way science has.This prince is a prince who earned the nickname Bujangga Manik. From his travels, Bujangga Manik has recorded about 450 geographical names still largely recognizable today. Notes in the pages of the papyrus now in the Museum tersimpang Bodleian, Oxford, England. Of note is known that Bujangga Manik had made preparations for his spiritual journey into Nirvana at the principal place of discovery in the upper reaches of the Cisokan, Cianjur. Although there is no certainty in which the principal in the Upper River, called by Bujangga Cisokan Manik, but the only place in the upstream principal Cisokan River - Cikondang, Cianjur is Gunung Padang.It seems, there are many stories of high value that can be extracted from the site of Mount Padang. This of course needs the support of archaeological and historical researchers. Potential archeology, history, and geology of Mount Padang is still not optimally explored is the natural and cultural richness is very high for Cianjur, and even to Indonesia.We sit around enjoying the breeze and swapping stories about the possibilities of geological and cultural history in the courts of this site to five until late afternoon. We then fell back to the foot of Gunung Padang. This time, we have taken a more gentle slope so that we get more experience intact. This can be seen through the side of Mount Padang sites formed from the stack (possibly) thousands of these polygonal stone. Wow, really impressive ...I would definitely come back here. See you again, Gunung Padang?Shuttle introduction to megalithic sites mountain meadow

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Posted by dede officer at 1:12 PM 0 commentsSubmit via EmailBlogThis! TwitterBerbagi to Facebook Share toMonday, May 7, 2012

Posted by dede hero at 23:06 AM 0 commentsSubmit via EmailBlogThis! TwitterBerbagi to Facebook Share toMegalitikim beautiful areas of the site's natural journey would make us forget the fatigue that we do day-to-day access to unique and exciting journey with a diversity of wildlife living in their habitat will be hooked tuk make tourists visit megalithic sites.
historical tour of fun and make people proud Cianjur proud heritage of our ancestors

Posted by dede hero at 21:48 AM 0 commentsSubmit via EmailBlogThis! TwitterBerbagi to Facebook Share to
Posted by dede hero at 21:31 AM 0 commentsSubmit via EmailBlogThis! TwitterBerbagi to Facebook Share toGunung Padang megalithsGunungpadang site is the site of prehistoric megalithic cultural heritage in West Java. Precisely located on the border hamlet and Panggulan Gunungpadang, Karyamukti Village, District Campaka, Cianjur. Vast complex "building" approximately 900 m², situated at an altitude of 885 m above sea level, and the site area is about 3 ha, making it the largest terraces punden complex in Southeast Asia.

DiscoveryThe first reports about the existence of this site are loaded on the van de Oudheidkundige Rapporten Dienst (ROD, "Bulletin of Department of Antiquities") in 1914. Dutch historian, N. J. Krom also been alluded to in 1949. Having had "forgotten", in 1979 three local residents, Endi, Soma, and Abidin, reporting to Edi, inspectors Campaka Cultural District, the existence of a square pile of stones of various sizes are arranged in a place with staircase leading to the Mount Gede [1]. Furthermore, together with the Head of Cultural Section of the Ministry of Education Culture Cianjur, R. Adang Suwanda, he held a check. As follow-up study of archeology, history, and geology Arkenas Research Center conducted in 1979 on this site.Location of the site is hilly steep and difficult to reach. Complexity of the elongated, covering the surface of a hill bordered by rows of large rectangular blocks of andesite. The site is surrounded by valleys are very deep [1]. It previously had been hallowed by the local residents. [2] The people regard it as a place of King Siliwangi, the king of Sunda, trying to build a palace in the night.Function is estimated Gunungpadang site is a place of worship for the people who settled there in about 2000 years BC [2] and the results Rolan Mauludy Hokky Situngkir suggest a possible involvement of some of the stone megaliths of music that exist [3]. Gunungpadang Besides, there are some other site that is a relic Cianjur megalithic period.Bujangga Manik manuscript from the 16th century mention a place "kabuyutan" (where the ancestors were honored by the Sundanese) in Ci dissimulation upstream, the river is known to disgorge around this place [4]. According to legend, the site Gunungpadang a regular meeting place (probably annual) all heads of Sundanese traditional Kuna. Currently the site is also still used by indigenous religious groups Sunda to worship.Footnotes

^ Ab Heritage Site Age megaliths on Mount Padang Kian Abandoned. kapanlagi.com Edition September 8, 2005
^ A b Jafar M. Prints. Staring at the "Old Indonesia" in Mount Padang. Between online. Issue 17 September 2009
^ Rolan Mauludy and Musical Tradition in Hokky Situngkir Megalithic Site of Indonesian Gunung Padang?
^ Budi Brahmantyo. Megalithic Sites majestic Gunung Padang. People's minds. January 20, 2006 edition.
See also

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Selasa, 08 Mei 2012

Situs Megalitikum Gunung Padang: Kuil Matahari SUNDAPURA


Situs Megalitikum Gunung Padang: Kuil Matahari SUNDAPURA

Gunung Padang di Cianjur adalah situs sangat tua (megalitikum) yang dibangun oleh leluhur bangsa Galuh Agung (*Nusantara), mereka menempatkan dan menata gunung Padang sebagai bangunan suci atau “pura” yang pada umumnya disebut Sundapura (bangunan suci bangsa Matahari).
Istilah “Padang” berasal dari beberapa suku kata, yaitu :
- Pa = Tempat
- Da = Besar / Gede / Agung / Raya
- Hyang = Eyang / Moyang / Biyang / Leluhur Agung
Jadi arti kata “Padang” itu adalah Tempat Agung para Leluhur atau boleh jadi maknanya Tempat para Leluhur Agung.
Keberadaan nilai “padang” di gunung Padang tidak terlepas dari keberadaan Parahyang yang berpusat di Jawa Barat, dengan demikian gunung Padang merupakan bagian dari Parahyang yang artinya adalah;
- Pa = Tempat
- Ra = Matahari
- Hyang = Eyang / Moyang / Biyang / Leluhur Agung
Lebih kurang maknanya (maksudnya) adalah “Tempat Leluhur Matahari” atau “Tempat Leluhur bangsa Matahari” yang ditandai dengan adanya pura agung Gunung Parang (Pa-Ra-Hyang) di Jati Luhur – Purwakreta. Diduga seluruh bentuk gerbang pura dan gerbang keratuan (keraton) Nusantara yang ada pada saat ini mengacu kepada bentuk dasar Gunung Parang di Jati Luhur – Purwa Kreta ini (?)… (*perlu diteliiti lebih lanjut)

Situs Megalitikum Musikal Purba Cianjur terbesar di Asia

Kumpulan artikel dari berbagai sumber
Pada tanggal 15 Agustus 2009 lalu, saya berkesempatan mengikuti “Tur Situs Megalitik Gunung Padang”. Situs Gunung Padang terletak di Desa Karyamukti, Kecamatan Campaka, Kabupaten Cianjur. Konon, menurut para ahli arkeologi, situs ini merupakan situs megalitik terbesar di Asia Tenggara. Pada judul tulisan ini, saya menambahkan tanda tanya pada akhir kalimat judul karena masih membutuhkan pembuktian lebih lanjut untuk meyakinkan bahwa Situs Gunung Padang merupakan situs megalitik terbesar di Asia Tenggara.
Asyiknya, “Tur Megalitik Situs Gunung Padang” dimulai dengan naik kereta ekonomi jurusan Bandung – Cianjur. Jalur kereta Bandung – Cianjur merupakan jalur kereta api tertua, yang mulai dioperasikan pada tahun 1884. Sepanjang jalur ini, banyak terdapat potensi geowisata tentang pembentukan Danau Bandung Purba. Untungnya, pemimpin dan interpreter tur adalah pakar geologi, jadi, di sepanjang perjalanan dengan kereta ini, kami  mendapatkan penjelasan ttg berbagai  fenomena geologis yang dilalui.  Sebetulnya, tidak hanya peserta tur yang mengikuti penjelasan ini, ketika Pak Budi -interpreter- menunjukkan sesuatu di luar jendela, penumpang yang lain -plus penjual yang berlalu lalang- pun ikut melongok ke jendelanya  masing-masing…

Gambar 1 Suasana kereta api ekonomi Bandung – Cianjur yang membawa peserta tur
Jalur Bandung – Cianjur merupakan jalur yang sangat sepi karena hanya melayani satu rute kereta api, yaitu Bandung – Cianjur – Bandung, berangkat dari Bandung pukul 08.10, dan kembali lagi dari Cianjur pukul 14.00. Karena jalurnya sepi, kereta api Bandung – Cianjur ini bisa berhenti hampir di setiap stasiun kereta api yang dilewatinya.
Rombongan tur sendiri turun di Stasiun Cipeuyeum. Perjalanan Bandung – Stasiun Cipeuyeum ditempuh dalam waktu 1,5 jam. Stasiun Cipeuyeum ini merupakan stasiun di pinggir Kota Cianjur. Di sana kami sudah dijemput oleh bis yang akan membawa kami ke Situs Gunung Padang. Perjalanan dari Stasiun Cipeuyeum ke Gunung Padang ditempuh dalam waktu sekitar 1 jam 45 menit, tetapi kami singgah  dulu di Stasiun Lampegan yang memiliki terowongan kereta api yang juga sudah tua umurnya.

Gambar 2 Stasiun Cipeuyeum, Cianjur
Stasiun Lampegan saat ini sedang dalam perbaikan untuk dapat dioperasikan lagi pada tahun 2010 nanti. Terowongan kereta api Lampegan dibangun selama tiga tahun, sejak tahun 1879 – 1882. Informasi ini tercantum di atas mulut  terowongan tersebut. Memasuki terowongan, suasana gelap dan dinginlah yang kami rasakan. Hanya sekitar 10 menit kami berada di dalam terowongan karena terowongan pun sedang dalam renovasi.

Gambar 3 Terowongan Lampegan, terowongan tua yang dibangun selama tiga tahun
Perjalanan kami lanjutkan ke Situs Gunung Padang. Tepat 15 menit, kami tiba di perkebunan teh milik PTPN VIII Panyairan yang terletak di sekitar  Situs Gunung Padang. Perjalanan harus dihentikan di sana karena bis yang kami gunakan, tidak memungkinkan untuk masuk sampai ke kaki Gunung Padang. Kendaraan  yang lebih kecil  dapat langsung sampai ke kaki Gunung Padang.

Gambar 4 Dari perkebunan teh Penyairan inilah pendakian ke Situs Gunung Padang dimulai
Dari sini kami berjalan kaki sekitar 1 km, sebetulnya hal ini tidak menjadi masalah karena kami berjalan melalui perkebunan teh yang pemandangannya sangat indah, namun karena saat itu hampir tengah hari, jadi terasa agak panas.
Setelah melalui jalan-jalan mendaki, menurun, mendaki lagi, akhirnya kami tiba di kaki Gunung Padang sekitar satu  jam kemudian. Karena hari sudah siang, kami memutuskan untuk menyantap makan siang dulu sebelum melanjutkan pendakian ke Situs Gunung Padang. Sedapnya…, makan siang yang disediakan oleh masyarakat adalah makanan khas Sunda, yaitu nasi liwet, ikan asin goreng, ayam goreng, pepes ikan mas, dan tidak ketinggalan karedok.

Gambar 5 Perjalanan mendaki menuju kaki Gunung Padang
Setelah sejenak beristirahat dan sholat, kami mulai melakukan ‘pendakian’ ke Situs Gunung Padang. Untuk menuju Situs Gunung Padang, terdapat dua alternatif jalan. Alternatif pertama adalah jalan utama, mendaki sekitar 370 anak tangga dengan kemiringan yang cukup tajam, hampir 40 derajat. Alternatif kedua adalah mendaki sekitar 500 anak tangga dengan kemiringan yang lebih landai. Kami memutuskan untuk mengambil jalan utama  yang jarak tempuhnya lebih pendek dan terbuat dari batuan asli, walaupun dengan kemiringan yang lebih tajam.

Gambar 6 Jalan masuk Situs Gunung Padang, di sisi kiri terdapat anak-anak tangga menuju situs
Satu per satu anak tangga kami daki. Anak-anak tangga ini disusun dari batu-batu berbentuk kolom poligonal yang dipasang melintang. Dengan sedikit terengah-engah, akhirnya 15 menit kemudian, kami tiba di Situs Gunung Padang. Woww…!! Pemandangan k depan dan ke belakang betul-betul menakjubkan!

Gambar 7 Perjalanan mendaki sekitar 370 anak tangga dan pemandangan di belakangnya
Situs Gunung Padang ini terdiri dari lima pelataran (bisa juga menjadi 7 pelataran jika bagian-bagian tertentu di bawahnya dianggap sebagi pelataran). Masing-masing pelataran berada lebih tinggi sekitar 50-cm dari pelataran sebelumnya.
Beberapa peserta tur yang kelelahan langsung merebahkan diri ke atas rerumputan begitu tiba di  pelataran pertama. Pelataran pertama adalah pelataran dengan gerbang kecil yang terbentuk oleh kolom-kolom batu yang berdiri berhadapan. Pada pelataran pertama ini terdapat batu-batu berwarna abu-abu berbentuk kolom yang masih tersusun rapi membentuk ruang persegi panjang. Batu-batuan di Gunung Padang adalah batuan jenis andesit basaltis yang merupakan hasil pembekuan magma pada lingkungan sisa-sisa gunung api purbakala pada jaman Pleistosen Awal, sekitar 2 – 1 juta tahun yang lalu. Karena pengaruh proses alam, batu-batuan ini membentuk dirinya menjadi kolom-kolom poligonal segi empat, lima, enam, delapan, yang permukaannya sangat halus sehingga banyak orang yang mengira batu-batuan ini merupakan hasil karya tangan manusia jaman dahulu.

Gambar 8 Pelataran pertama Situs Gunung Padang
Arsitek megalitik yang diperkirakan hidup sekitar 6000 tahun yang lalu, menyusun kolom-kolom batu tersebut menjadi sebuah bangunan berundak-undak yang sangat indah. Sayangnya, letak batu-batuan tersebut saat ini sudah banyak yang tidak beraturan, tergeletak begitu saja. Menurut Pak Dadi, petugas di situs Gunung padang, sebelum dianggap memiliki nilai budaya yang tinggi, Gunung Padang merupakan sumber kayu bagi para pencari kayu. Banyak pohon-pohon besar yang tumbuh di sini dan ditebang oleh para pencari kayu. Selain itu, Gunung Padang juga pernah dimanfaatkan sebagai ladang oleh masyarakat sekitar. Penebangan dan pengangkutan pohon serta perladangan lah yang mengubah posisi bebatuan dari posisi aslinya. Untungnya, masih terdapat beberapa batuan yang tersusun rapi pada posisi aslinya sehingga nilai-nilai budayanya tidak hilang begitu saja.
Pada pelataran pertama, terdapat batu berbentuk poligon yang disebut batu gamelan. Konon, pada jaman dahulu, dari arah Gunung Padang  ini kerap terdengar bunyi-bunyi gamelan setiap malam Selasa dan malam Jumat. Sampai saat ini bunyi gamelan ini sesekali saja terdengar, dikalahkan oleh bunyi-bunyi dari sumber-sumber suara lain yang lebih modern, seperti TV, radio, maupun kendaraan bermotor. Salah satu petugas yang mengantar kami, memainkan batu gamelan tersebut, terdengarlah alunan musik tradisional Sunda dari pukulan-pukulan batu kecil pada batu gamelan. Para seniman tradisional Sunda, seperti pesinden, dalang, konon sering melakukan doa di sini sebelum melakukan pertunjukan.

Gambar 9 Batu gamelan yang sedang dimainkan oleh pemandu kami, Pak Nanang
Pada pelataran berikutnya, Pak Dadi, menunjukkan kepada kami batu dengan cerukan yang menyerupai bentuk telapak kaki harimau berukuran besar.

Di pelataran selanjutnya, terdapat batu gendong. Menurut Pak Dadi, jika ada yang berhasil mengangkat batu gendong tersebut, maka semua keinginannya akan terwujud. Penasaran, saya mencoba untuk mengangkat batu tersebut. Ternyata, saangaat berat! Beberapa kali saya coba, tidak satu kali pun batu itu terangkat oleh saya. Beberapa peserta tur lain pun mencoba mengangkat batu gendong, tetapi tidak ada satu orang pun yang berhasil, termasuk Pak Dadi….!!

Pada pelataran kelima, terdapat tempat yang dianggap memiliki aura paling kuat di Gunung Padang. Di tempat ini terdapat lubang kecil di bawah tanah yang ditutupi oleh batu-batu poligonal. Menurut Pak Dadi, lubang  ini pada awalnya berukuran besar, bahkan manusia pun bisa masuk ke dalamnya, tetapi untuk menghindari hal-hal yang membahayakan pengunjung, lubang ini sebagian ditutup olehnya. Di tempat inilah orang-orang yang percaya pada kekuatan mistis Gunung Padang bersemedi untuk mendapatkan kesuksesan dan keberhasilan yang diinginkannya.

Kalau merujuk pada sejarah Jawa Barat, Gunung Padang ini diperkirakan merupakan salah satu kebuyutan yang ditemukan oleh seorang pangeran Kerajaan Sunda yang berkelana menjelajahi tempat-tempat keramat di Pulau Jawa dan Bali pada sekitar abad ke-15. Konon, tujuan perjalanannya adalah untuk meningkatkan ilmu yang dimilikinya.
Pangeran ini adalah pangeran yang mendapat julukan Bujangga Manik. Dari perjalanannya, Bujangga Manik berhasil mencatat sekitar 450 nama geografis yang sebagian besar masih dapat dikenali sampai saat ini. Catatan dalam lembar-lembar daun lontar tersebut sekarang tersimpang di Museum Bodleian, Oxford, Inggris. Dari catatan tersebut diketahui bahwa Bujangga Manik pernah melakukan persiapan untuk perjalanan spiritualnya ke Nirwana di suatu tempat kebuyutan yang ditemukannya di hulu Sungai Cisokan, Cianjur. Walaupun belum ada kepastian di mana kebuyutan di hulu Sungai Cisokan yang disebut oleh Bujangga Manik, tetapi satu-satunya tempat kebuyutan yang ada di hulu Sungai Cisokan – Cikondang, Cianjur adalah Gunung Padang.
Nampaknya, masih banyak cerita bernilai tinggi yang dapat digali dari Situs Gunung Padang. Ini tentu saja membutuhkan dukungan para peneliti arkeologi maupun sejarah. Potensi arkeologi, sejarah, maupun geologi Gunung Padang yang masih belum digali secara optimal ini merupakan kekayaan alam dan budaya yang sangat tinggi bagi Cianjur, dan bahkan bagi Indonesia.
Kami duduk-duduk menikmati angin sepoi-sepoi dan bertukar cerita tentang kemungkinan sejarah geologis dan kebudayaan situs ini  di pelataran ke lima hingga sore hari. Kami kemudian turun kembali ke kaki Gunung Padang. Kali ini, kami mengambil jalan yang lebih landai agar pengalaman yang kami dapatkan lebih utuh. Melalui jalan ini dapat dilihat sisi situs Gunung Padang yang dibentuk dari tumpukan (mungkin) ribuan batu poligonal ini.  Wah, sungguh  mengesankan…
Saya pasti akan kembali lagi ke sini. Sampai jumpa lagi, Gunung Padang!
Alat transportasi pengantar ke situs megalitikum gunung padang 


Senin, 07 Mei 2012

Area situs megalitikim yang indah perjalanan yang masih alami membuat kita akan melupakan kepenatan yang kita kerjakan sehari-hari akses perjalanan yang unik dan menarik dengan keanekaragaman satwa yang masih hidup di habitatnya membuat wisatawan akan ketagihan tuk mengunjungi situs megalitikum.

wisata sejarah yang menyenangkan membanggakan dan membuat warga cianjur bangga dengan warisan budaya nenek moyang kita